Studying for the 70-576 exam

I am currently studying for the 70-576 exam which is titled “PRO: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Applications” and from the looks of the “Skills Measured” tab on the exam website, I will have a lot of reading and experimenting in front of me. Be prepared for some new blog posts on the way once I go through each subject carefully.
Since I already have the 70-573 exam (MCTS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development), I will become a MCPD if I pass the exam mentioned above.

There are currently no Microsoft Press books available for the exam, so I will have to do with TechNet articles, resources from blogs and the “Professional SharePoint 2010 Development” book from Wrox. Although I found a study guide for the 70-576 exam by Pedro Henrique Araújo Rodrigues Pinto on his blog which might come in handy. The study guide can be found here.